KLFS in the Community
Lindsay Community Food Market
The Lindsay Community Food Market (LCFM) is a non-traditional food bank owned and operated by Kawartha Lakes Food Source.
This shopping-style food bank allows clients to choose their foods as they would be able to at a grocery store.
All aspects of LCFM operations are dedicated to assuring dignity and building self-sufficiency of clients.
Summer Lunch Program
The Kawartha Lakes Food Source recognizes the gap in available food during the summer months for children who benefit from in-school student nutrition programs.
We partner with the Kawartha Lakes Food Coalition, HKPR Health Unit, and the Lindsay Salvation Army to provide local elementary-aged students with free healthy bagged lunches.
Open Gardens
Throughout the summer and fall our two open access gardens in Lindsay are open for community members to harvest what they need.
Our goal of these gardens is to increase the availability of fresh and healthy food no matter what day or time.
Grab nā Grow
During the school year we provide schools across the Kawartha Lakes with fruit and milk each week to supplement their student nutrition and breakfast programs.
Each week, we purchase 792 cartons of Kawartha Dairy milk and 20 large boxes of bananas, apples, and oranges from a local grocery store.
Research shows that children and youth who have a nourishing breakfast can concentrate better and learn better, which benefits everyone. In many instances, their breakfast program may be the only place many of these students receive fresh fruit.
Milk & Eggs Program
Each week we purchase 108 bags of milk and 90 dozen eggs to distribute to our member food banks.
Milk and eggs are distributed on a fair share basis, meaning that each food bank gets an allotment relevant to how many community members they serve.
Emergency Relief Bags
We partner with social service providers in the Kawartha Lakes to distribute pre-packed bags in emergency situations where a community member has an immediate need for food.
These bags are distributed at the social service agencies discretion, and supply enough food for at least two days to give the community member enough to sustain themselves while they arrange for longer term support.

Kawartha Lakes Food Source created a detailed list of teacher resources and a selection of lesson plans that relate to food security, hunger, and food sovereignty. Our goal is to provide teachers more opportunities to incorporate food security into their curriculum. With access to nutritious food being increasingly unavailable for a large portion of the population, it is important students learn the factors that contribute to becoming food insecure and the supports or solutions available.